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Churches and Religious Communities - Ebersbach-Neugersdorf

Entries of the branch Churches and Religious Communities from Ebersbach-Neugersdorf

The list shows you all registered entries of the branch Churches and Religious Communities from Ebersbach-Neugersdorf.

8 entries found

Further hits from the region Zittau, Görlitz und Weißwasser

Zittauer Straße 20
02747 Herrnhut
phone: 035873 4870035873 4870
fax: 035873 48775
Zittauer Straße 48
02796 Jonsdorf Luftkurort
phone: 035844 70470035844 70470
fax: 035844 72843

Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße 34
02763 Zittau
phone: 03583 70721203583 707212

St. Marienthal 1
02899 Ostritz
phone: 035823 77300035823 77300
fax: 035823 77301

Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 41/43
02826 Görlitz
phone: 03581 4782-003581 4782-0

Hauptstraße 57
02829 Schöpstal - Ebersbach (OT)
phone: 03581 31403303581 314033